The main purposes of the Missouri Conference are to further cooperation among AAUP chapters in Missouri and to promote the principles and policies of the AAUP within the State of Missouri. Those principles and policies include promoting the interests of higher education and scholarly research; protecting academic freedom and tenure; facilitating cooperation among all facets of college and university communities in shared governance; and advancing the standards, ideals, and welfare of the academic profession.
The conference meets at least once per year, usually in the late Winter or early Spring. We also sponsor workshops and other meetings.
Membership in the Conference, as in the chapters, is open to all Missouri members of the national Association. The Missouri Conference is a member of the Assembly of State Conferences (ASC) of the national AAUP. The Assembly of State Conferences (ASC) is the umbrella organization for individual state AAUP conferences. The ASC provides training and helps to coordinate state activities in areas such as government relations, academic freedom and tenure, membership development, and communications. The ASC also supports the work of state conferences.
To learn more about the national AAUP click here
What MOAAUP Can Do For You:
Advice and Help
Committee A offers help in dealing with grievances involving academic freedom and tenure. For more information, click here
MOAAUP meetings are great opportunities to meet colleagues from all over the state; to discuss issues of common concern; and to inform one another about issues particular to individual campuses
Education and Outreach
MOAAUP provides a clearinghouse of information useful to any faculty member, whether you are part of a chapter or not. We sponsor workshops and retreats, and we are happy to visit your campus